We have partnered with Strider Sports International to develop an all-ages learn to ride fleet in Austin utilizing Strider’s award winning balance bikes. This is also enabling us to pilot new programming this summer that extends our riding and education classes to include Pre-Kindergarten through 2nd grade which means we now have programs tailored for all grade levels Pre-K through 12th grade!

The first of its kind fleet in Austin Texas is comprised of 25 Striders bikes enabling us to provide learn-to-ride classes for 18 months through young adult. We are also now able to provide bicycle experiences to students with developmental challenges and balance issues.

The current learn to ride fleet contains:

This summer at Reilly Elementary we are running full day 8am to 3pm learn to ride and bicycle education classes for students starting in Pre-K through 3rd grade as part of their summer enrichment program. We will have a more detailed post about that program, but already the rate at which we have seen the students advance from using the balance bikes to riding a pedal bike is impressive. Learning two skills (balance and steering) rather than three (balance, steering, and pedaling) at one time not only is way easier, it enables the student to master the art of balancing much more quickly due to the lack of distractions , i.e. pedaling.

Mini bikes built and ready to roll:

Strider bike fleet staged at Reilly Elementary:

Tikes on bikes:

Practicing balance and riding with one hand through high-5s (everybody loves high-5s):

More pictures of the bikes in action soon!