ATX Cycling Community Appreciation Party
It’s been a great year for cycling in Austin and we want to celebrate with YOU! Join us for a party at Central Machine Works to celebrate Austin’s Cycling Community and the people and org’s that make biking in Austin great. This event is FREE and family-friendly, everyone is invited!
🍺 Free celebratory beer for the first 150 attendees (RSVP required)
Live t-shirt screen printing (printed by Feels So Good) with free t-shits while they last (RSVP required)
Free and open to the public, but please RSVP to be able to recieve a free celibritory beer (first 150 arrivals) and a free event t-shirt (while supplies last) which are being printed live on-site during the event.
Pre-registration (RSVP) form: https://forms.gle/zuXfmjaa9t7t4MhFA
We’re also commemorating the year with a Cycling Community Photo Gallery Wall! Send us a photo of your favorite ride, bike org, or cycling moment from this year and we will print 50-100 with credit and a desciption as part of the gallery.
Photo submission form (requires Google account sign-in): https://forms.gle/7ELnxFnGy92bd93DA
Our first annual “Wheelie Good Awards” will recognize some of the people and groups that have benefited our cycling community and Austin at large. Awards will be presented at 2:30pm.

Wheelie Good Awardees for 2024
Darien Clary | Austin ISD |
Kelly Wourms | Austin Bicycle Meals |
Katrin “Kate” Abel | Austin Public Library, Reading Riders |
Monica Jones | Austin Public Library, Reading Riders |
Aaron Goldman | Austin Public Library, Reading Riders |
Cullen McMorrow | Austin Ridge Riders |
Charlie Riou | Austin Ridge Riders |
Pete Wall | Austin’s Yellow Bike Project |
Marcelina Gray | Austin’s Yellow Bike Project |
Hannah Simon | Bike Activist / Ultra-Endurance Athlete |
Valerie Ruiz | Bike Story Night |
Talib Abdullahi | Black History Bike Ride |
Ariel Marlowe | Black History Bike Ride |
Brandon Grant | Black History Bike Ride |
Christina Mays | Black Women Who |
Jake Ritter | Breakfast Club |
Justin Siegal | Breakfast Club |
Matt Randall | Breakfast Club |
Grant Rogers | Breakfast Club |
Jake Boone | CapMetro BikeShare |
James Paul | CapMetro BikeShare |
Euan Fisk | CapMetro BikeShare |
Hunter Hollingsworth | CapMetro BikeShare |
JD Simpson | CapMetro BikeShare |
Joel Meyer | CoA Vision Zero Team |
Lee Grisham | Eastside Pedal Pushers |
Robert Foster | GCI Volunteer |
Bobby Sandoval | General Marshall Middle School |
David Comer | Kids on Bikes in Parks, Violet Crown |
Ryan Eaker | Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center |
Athan Bernal | Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center |
Theron Sweet | Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center |
Elena Christopher | Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center |
Art Torres | Lorraine “Grandma” Camacho Activity Center |
Chris Maldonado | Major Taylor Cycling Club | Austin, TX |
Rudy Muñiz | Muñiz Concrete & Contracting, Inc. |
Kent Laughlin | PALS Program Coordinator |
Danica Archarya | Purple Sage ES PTA |
Abi Robbins | Queer Gravel |
World Famous *BOB* | Rainbow Connections ATX |
Tom Wald | Red Line Parkway Initiative |
Eddie Allas | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Jess Bowen | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Jeff Schulz | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Carl Miron | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Anthony Hamlet | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Drew Echelberger | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Mark Gronquist | SCA Lend Your Legs at TSBVI |
Jason Ables | Social Cycling |
Ricardo Treviño | Social Cycling |
Corina Oliva-Hansen | Social Cycling |
Doug McLaren | Social Cycling |
Jillian DeLaTorre Copeland | VP of Russell Lee Elementary School PTA |
Amanda Ventura | Waymo |
Brittany Heckard | Waymo |
Jeanette Swenson | Windsor Park Neighborhood Association |
Tristan Brown | woom USA |
Doug Schmidt | woom USA |
April Obersteller | woom USA |