A little bit warm for mid-April, but it was a beautiful clear day for a Bike Rodeo. The Gullett Elementary PTA funded this three hour three course bike rodeo for the entire neighborhood (and really nobody was going to be turned away if they showed up from a different one) and Sun and Ski Sports on West Anderson Lane came out to turn wrenches and make sure wheels rolled, brakes stopped and handlebars were tight.

This was paired with a Bike Swap where parents could exchange and give away bikes. Outgrown or unwanted bikes were dropped off and swaps were made families needing new or larger bikes were made. At the end of the day remaining bikes were loaded up in a pick-up truck and taken to our Bike Club and youth Earn-A-Bike program at the Boys and Girls Club East Austin Club.

We would like to sincerely thank Laura DiCarlo for making this happen and Sun and Ski Sports for their help throughout the day.

