Golden Rollers

Engaging Bicycle-Based Recreation, Exploration, and Supportive Services For Adults Aged 50 and Older


Golden Rollers

Golden Rollers provides engaging bicycle-based recreation, exploration, and supportive services for adults aged 50 and older. The goal of the program is to increase quality of life through increased physical activity, development of social connections and a reduction of isolation, and to raise the visibility of older adults and seniors within our public space.

Trike Club

At over 10 locations in Austin and San Antonio, we provide fleets of three-wheeled adult upright and recumbent trikes to enable riders of all skill levels to cycle on urban trails, bicycle facilities, and neighborhood roads. The trikes provide a safe, low-impact means of exercise and exploration for individuals ranging from those with mobility and developmental disabilities to those who haven’t ridden a bike in decades – if ever.

Golden Notes

Community engagement and intergenerational “connect with a senior” program where youth and adults create pen-pal style letters and art for seniors. This provides for the development of social connections and a reduction of isolation through communication, visibility, and recognition. In many cases the “Golden Notes” are paired with activities (like crossword puzzles and Sudoku), community services information and updates, and delivered to seniors through bike messenger/bike courier style distribution.