City Cyclist

Adult Education and Community Engagement


City Cyclist is our adult education and community engagement program.

The goals are to enable adults to become confident and knowledgeable riders through hands-on bicycle learning and community rides, and to enhance an environment where adults can access their destinations, such as work, parks, and community gatherings, by bicycle. It also includes our People Powered Places work related to the built environment and policy that impacts everyone’s ability to access the world by bike.

City Cycling Presentations 

We offer a variety of presentations including our Becoming a Bicycle Commuter and Basic Bike Maintenance. Becoming a Bicycle Commuter presentations cover the basics of becoming a bicycle commuter and riding in the city while Basic Bike Maintenance covers the basics of bicycle maintenance and upkeep. Presentations are available upon request for community groups, organizations, schools, and businesses.


BikeStart is our learn to ride based clinic for people of all ages and abilities. Prospective riders learn the basics of biking – steering, balancing and pedaling – on their own bike or one of ours.

Beginning City Cycling Clinics

Beginning City Cycling is a 2-hour clinic for adults ages 18+ to learn and practice the skills necessary to feel comfortable and confident riding on city streets. The two hour clinic covers foundational commuter skills, such as a helmet fitting, the ABCD Quick Check, hand signals, bike handling techniques, as well as an on-road application of the learned skills through a group ride around the neighborhood.

Bike Maintenance and Mechanics Clinics

The Basic Mechanics/Technical Skills Clinic is an introductory hands-on clinic to understand and maintain your bike. As part of this clinic you will gain the skills and knowledge and utilize the tools necessary to do routine maintenance as well as fix common issues.

Personalized Bike Commuter Training

Our 30 minute Personalized Bike Commuter Training session will help you grow your knowledge, locate resources, and increase your confidence to undertake trips by bike. We also provide you with route and ride planning assistance so that you can know the best routes to get you where you want to go whether to work, a grocery store, your nearest park, or favorite pool.

Bicycle Commuter Facilities Audit

The Bicycle Commuter Facilities Audit is for organizations or businesses that would like to review their current on-site bicycle parking and facilities to get feedback on the current installation, best practices, and guidance for improvements.

City Cycling Starter Pack

The City Cycling Starter Pack equips people with the basic items needed when traveling by bike including basic tools to fix a flat, bike lights, Austin bike map, informational resources, and more.

Adult Bicycle Lending Library

Our Adult Bicycle Lending Libraries are hosted by organizations or universities that we supply with bicycles and equipment for them to use for programs or to check out to clients or students. We support the fleet management through regular maintenance and tune ups on the bikes and creating customized tracking systems for the host organization or school.

People Powered Places

People Powered Places covers our work related to the built environment, including policy that impacts everyone’s ability to access the world by bike. We focus on addressing and resolving barriers that limit peoples’ ability to safely and equitably utilize the public space, such as availability, access, policy, or law.

Projects by People Powered Places

Bike Month 2023 Recap!

Big cheers to the Austin community for the city-wide biking during May Bike Month! We embraced biking to many destinations, including schools, local businesses, farms, work, bike shops, cafes, parks,

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